How Much Social Media Is Too Much?

Social media use is extremely prevalent in today’s culture. Social media has taken on a multitude of purposes. For example, some people use social media to get local news reports. Other people may use social media purely for entertainment, while others use it to connect with friends and family. 

Whatever the reason, social media has become a significant part of everyday life for many people. Because of this, addictions to social media can be highly prevalent yet also highly normalized. In order to change this, it is vital to understand how much social media usage is too much when it comes to individuals’ well-being.

What Is the Ideal Amount?

It is said that any more than two hours of screen use per day is considered excessive unless the electronic device is being used for homework or work time. Screen time refers to any time spent using an electronic device with a screen, including desktop computers, laptops, televisions, cell phones, tablets, and other electronic devices.

If an individual uses social media for more than two hours per day, this does not necessarily indicate an addiction. Addiction is present if the individual depends on social media each day and finds that their social media usage gets in the way of their daily functioning in some way. For example, a person who is addicted to social media might choose to check Facebook instead of finishing work assignments, causing them to potentially face job loss and financial difficulties as a result. Essentially, using social media becomes a problem for people when they engage in the following behaviors:

  • Lie to others about how much time they spend using social media

  • Rarely, if ever, have their electronic devices turned off

  • Skip social gatherings in order to use social media

  • Fall behind on work or school-related obligations due to social media usage

  • Neglect personal hygiene to use social media

  • Experience feelings of depression and/or anxiety

  • Isolate themselves

  • Experience eye pain or discomfort

  • Have back, knee, or hip pain

  • Experience digestive issues

What Can You Do to Reduce Social Media Time?

As detailed above, too much time spent using social media can have many damaging effects on individuals. Identifying the signs of when social media use has become an issue can be extremely beneficial for changing this problematic behavior. Luckily, individuals can take steps to reduce the amount of time they spend using social media.

#1. Set a Timer 

Set a timer on your phone or other devices to remind you when you should no longer be on social media. You can set it for 30 minutes at a time, for example, and when the timer is up, you stop using social media and tend to other responsibilities or activities. This can help reduce the time you spend on social media as well as reveal to you how much time social media may have been taking out of your day. 

#2. Physically Remove Your Electronic Devices  

Sometimes, a simple timer may not be enough to limit screen time, and that is okay. In these cases, it can be beneficial to physically remove your electronic devices from their original setting. Perhaps you can stow them in an inconvenient area, such as a closet or an attic. If you still find yourself turning to social media excessively and uncontrollably, ask a friend or family member to stow these devices for you. They can either hide your devices from you in your own home or hide them in their residence, therefore preventing you from finding them. This step, albeit drastic, can help reduce the amount of time you spend on social media. 

#3. Take a Break and Go Outside 

Getting outdoors and being in a new environment can help reset your mind and body in a way that helps to release you from addiction. Changing your environment, even by going to a new coffee shop or bookstore, can help refresh your senses. By doing so, you begin to realize how social media usage actually detracts from your life rather than adds to it. Becoming aware of this can motivate you to make some necessary changes.

#4. Reach Out for Help 

Addictions cannot be handled alone, even digital addictions. You need many types of support and care to help change your life and grow from your experiences. Recovery coaches can be there to support you every step of the way as you enter treatment and live your daily life free from addiction. An entire team of professionals can teach you more about yourself, your addiction, and the mind to help you gain peace in your life. 

Social media use is consistently on the rise because of its prevalence in today's society. In order to avoid developing an addiction to social media, try implementing ways to reduce the amount of time you spend on social media. You can try setting timers for designated social media time, removing your electronic devices for a while, taking breaks to get outdoors, and reaching out for help from trained professionals. At Next Level Recovery Associates, we have the tools to help you reduce your social media use in a safe, healthy way. Digital addictions can be entirely consuming, but they do not have to take over your life; there is hope. Our trained staff members can help you find lasting relief and provide continued care and support. Contact us today at and begin your journey of recovery. We are here to help.